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SSR Wheat Train Goulburn
SSR 1KN1 interstate wheat train at Cullarin NSW
Empty SSR wheat Train
SSR Allied Mills Wheat Train
SSR Wheat Train. Newcastle. NSW. AUSTRALIA
SSR Empty Wheat Train with 5 Locomotives on it
3KS1 SSR Wheat
SSR Empty wheat train 2347 GM27-GM22-RL306
1341 SSR empty wheat passing Goulburn with locos SSR101+RL306 long end leading 1755hrs 1/8/2019.
SSR and other trains- Goulburn NSW Dec8 to 22-2020
Squealing Rails! SSR rail train 3M40 departs Goulburn NSW 13-1-2023
A PN Empty wheat Train passing a Empty SSR Ballast train